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    The combination of yield gap and poverty rates into a single map enables to identify best feasible modalities for agricultural development, potential investment, and resource allocation. - Yield gap provides important information for identifying causes of food insecurity and addressing rural poverty. Yield and production gaps have been estimated by comparing at a spatially detailed level of 5 arc-minutes the agro-ecological attainable yield and production of 22 major crops/crop groups, simulated under the historical climate of 1981-2010, with actual yields and production obtained by downscaling for the years 2000 and 2010 statistical data of main food, feed, and fiber crops. - The poverty map portrays poverty rates at the country level. Poverty rates vary from 12.7 to 76.2 percent. Accordingly, the higher percentage of poverty in a particular area, the poorer population is located there.

  • Yield gaps provide important information for identifying causes of food insecurity and addressing rural poverty. Yield and production gaps have been estimated by comparing at a spatially detailed level of 5 arc-minutes the agro-ecological attainable yield and production of 22 major crops/crop groups (see Theme 4), simulated under the historical climate of 1981-2010, with actual yields and production obtained by downscaling for the years 2000 and 2010 statistical data of main food, feed and fiber crops (see Theme 5). Comparisons are done separately for rain-fed and irrigated cropland and are presented as crop yield achievement ratios for yields, computed as actual over potential yield, and as absolute values for the difference of potential and actual production. Theme 6 provides information about: (1) Crop Yield Achievement Ratio, (2) Production Gap, and (3) Aggregate Yield Achievement Ratio. Results of this theme are presented in a regular raster format of 5 arc-minute (about 9 x 9 km at the equator) grid cells. GAEZ methodology development, data base compilation, production of results and establishing the Data Portal were accomplished in close technical collaboration and with inputs of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). For further details, please refer to the GAEZ v4 Model Documentation.

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    The combination of yield gap and poverty rates into a single map enables to identify best feasible modalities for agricultural development, potential investment, and resource allocation. - Yield gap provides important information for identifying causes of food insecurity and addressing rural poverty. Yield and production gaps have been estimated by comparing at a spatially detailed level of 5 arc-minutes the agro-ecological attainable yield and production of 22 major crops/crop groups, simulated under the historical climate of 1981-2010, with actual yields and production obtained by downscaling for the years 2000 and 2010 statistical data of main food, feed, and fiber crops. - The poverty map portrays poverty rates at the country level. Accordingly, the higher percentage of poverty in a particular area, the poorer population is located there.