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  • Land area in km2 per 5 arcminute cell. This layer is part of the Global Roads Inventory Project (GRIP) dataset, developed to provide a more recent and consistent global roads dataset for use in global environmental and biodiversity assessment models like GLOBIO.

  • The Local Roads Density raster layer is part of the Global Roads Inventory Project (GRIP) dataset, developed to provide a more recent and consistent global roads dataset for use in global environmental and biodiversity assessment models like GLOBIO.

  • The Secondary Roads Density raster layer is part of the Global Roads Inventory Project (GRIP) dataset, developed to provide a more recent and consistent global roads dataset for use in global environmental and biodiversity assessment models like GLOBIO.

  • The Highways Density raster layer is part of the Global Roads Inventory Project (GRIP) dataset, developed to provide a more recent and consistent global roads dataset for use in global environmental and biodiversity assessment models like GLOBIO.

  • The Tertiary Roads Density raster layer is part of the Global Roads Inventory Project (GRIP) dataset, developed to provide a more recent and consistent global roads dataset for use in global environmental and biodiversity assessment models like GLOBIO.

  • The Primary Roads Density raster layer is part of the Global Roads Inventory Project (GRIP) dataset, developed to provide a more recent and consistent global roads dataset for use in global environmental and biodiversity assessment models like GLOBIO.

  • The Global Roads Inventory Project (GRIP) dataset was developed to provide a more recent and consistent global roads dataset for use in global environmental and biodiversity assessment models like GLOBIO. The GRIP dataset consists of global and regional vector datasets in ESRI filegeodatabase and shapefile format. It is also available as global raster datasets of road density at a 5 arcminutes resolution (~8x8km). GRIP version 4 (GRIP4) is based on many different sources, including OpenStreetMap. The UNSDI-Transportation datamodel was applied for harmonization of the individual source datasets. GRIP4 is provided under an Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) and is free to use.

  • The Total Roads Density raster layer is part of the Global Roads Inventory Project (GRIP) dataset, developed to provide a more recent and consistent global roads dataset for use in global environmental and biodiversity assessment models like GLOBIO.