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    The combination of yield gap and poverty rates into a single map enables to identify best feasible modalities for agricultural development, potential investment, and resource allocation. - Yield gap provides important information for identifying causes of food insecurity and addressing rural poverty. Yield and production gaps have been estimated by comparing at a spatially detailed level of 5 arc-minutes the agro-ecological attainable yield and production of 22 major crops/crop groups, simulated under the historical climate of 1981-2010, with actual yields and production obtained by downscaling for the years 2000 and 2010 statistical data of main food, feed, and fiber crops. - The poverty map portrays poverty rates at the country level. Accordingly, the higher percentage of poverty in a particular area, the poorer population is located there.

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    The combination of yield gap and poverty rates into a single map enables to identify best feasible modalities for agricultural development, potential investment, and resource allocation. - Yield gap provides important information for identifying causes of food insecurity and addressing rural poverty. Yield and production gaps have been estimated by comparing at a spatially detailed level of 5 arc-minutes the agro-ecological attainable yield and production of 22 major crops/crop groups, simulated under the historical climate of 1981-2010, with actual yields and production obtained by downscaling for the years 2000 and 2010 statistical data of main food, feed, and fiber crops. - The poverty map portrays poverty rates at the country level. Poverty rates vary from 12.7 to 76.2 percent. Accordingly, the higher percentage of poverty in a particular area, the poorer population is located there.