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    Saturated soil water content calculated over the Litani River Basin area in Lebanon. The dataset is derived from the High Resolution Soil Map of Hydraulic Properties (HiHydroSoils v1.0).

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    Saturated soil water content calculated over the Jordan River Basin area in Jordan. The dataset is derived from the High Resolution Soil Map of Hydraulic Properties (HiHydroSoils v1.0).

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    Saturated soil water content calculated over the Nile River Basin area. The dataset is derived from the High Resolution Soil Map of Hydraulic Properties (HiHydroSoils v1.0).

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    The incremental evapotranspiration is part of the actual evapotranspiration and Interception (ETIa) that is not satified from precipitation but from supply or runoff from other cells or from groundwater. It is calculated by spliting ETIa to rainfall and incremental ET using pixel based soil moisture water balance model.

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    Number of rainy days calculated in the Nile basin area. For every pixel, the number of rainy days in a month is reported. This dataset is created by using daily rainfall data from WaPOR precipitation data.

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    Precipitation minus actual evapotranspiration (P-ET) calculated over the Nile River Basin. The P-ET is the difference between WaPOR precipitation (based on CHIRPS) and the actual evapotranspiration and interception.

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    The evapotranspiration from precipitation (ETRAIN) is the portion of the actual evapotranspiration and Interception (ETIa) that is satified from precipitation. It is computed from precipitation, actual evapotranspiration and soil moisture and calculated by spliting ETIa to rainfall and incremental ET using pixel based Soil Moisture Water Balance Model (SMWBM).

  • The seasonal Gross Biomass Water Productivity expresses the quantity of output (above ground biomass production) in relation to the total volume of water consumed (actual Evapotranspiration) during the growing cycle of the vegetation. By relating biomass production to total Evapotranspiration (sum of soil evaporation, canopy transpiration and interception), this indicator provides insights on the impact of vegetation development on consumptive water use and thus on water balance in a given domain. When the focus is on monitoring performance of irrigated agriculture in relation to water consumption, it is more appropriate to use transpiration alone as a denominator, as a measure of water beneficially consumed by the plant. This latter indicator, for which we use the term \"net water productivity\", provides useful information on how effectively vegetation (and particularly crops) uses water to develop its biomass (and thus yield). The data is provided in near real time from January 2009 to present.

  • The Transpiration (T) data component is the actual transpiration of the vegetation canopy. The value of each pixel represents the total annual transpiration for that specific year. The data is provided in near real time from January 2009 to present.

  • Net Primary Production (NPP) is a fundamental characteristic of an ecosystem, expressing the conversion of carbon dioxide into biomass driven by photosynthesis. The pixel value represents the NPP for that specific month. The data is provided in near real time from January 2015 to present.