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  • The transpiration (T) data component (dekadal, in mm/day) is the actual transpiration of the vegetation canopy. The value of each pixel represents the average daily actual transpiration for that specific dekad. The data is provided in near real time from January 2009 to present.

  • Categories    

    Crop Storage Final Location: Aggregated Production (Kenya - ~1km) consists of a 0.01 decimal degree grid produced under the scope of the Covid-19 sub-Saharan African Corridor project pilot case, using a Geographical Information Systems - Multicriteria Decision Analysis (GIS-MCDA) methodology for the identification and definition of mobile storage locations (movable warehouses). The Top Score Locations were computed using the Location Score raster and adding as criteria, access to finance (distance to bank agency) and linear distance from major roads. This output step filters the location score grid (aggregated production) into a top location score raster. Applying the following functions: • Buffering: o Banks - 10km (0.09 degree) buffer radius; o Major roads - 2km (0.18 degree) buffer radius; • Intersection - extracts the overlapping portions of Banks_Buffer and Roads_Buffer. • Dissolve - Takes the intersection vector layer and combines the features into a new feature, a single polygon; • Clip Raster by Mask Layer - Extracts the raster-production aggregate location score using the polygon obtained by the dissolved intersection of the banks and roads buffers; • The raster pixel cell in the final areas are classified into the final location map.

  • The actual EvapoTranspiration and Interception (ETIa) is the sum of the soil evaporation (E), canopy transpiration (T), and evaporation from rainfall intercepted by leaves (I). The value of each pixel represents the ETIa in a given month. The data is provided in near real time from January 2009 to present.

  • The layer indicates the quality (in percentage %) of the original classifier and whether a pixel was re-classified during post-processing. The data is provided in near real time from January 2015 to present.

  • The actual EvapoTranspiration and Interception (ETIa) is the sum of the soil evaporation (E), canopy transpiration (T), and evaporation from rainfall intercepted by leaves (I). The value of each pixel represents the average daily ETIa in a given dekad. The data is provided in near real time from January 2015 to present.

  • The transpiration (T) data component (dekadal, in mm/day) is the actual transpiration of the vegetation canopy. The value of each pixel represents the average daily actual transpiration for that specific dekad. The data is provided in near real time from January 2009 to present.

  • Net Primary Production (NPP) is a fundamental characteristic of an ecosystem, expressing the conversion of carbon dioxide into biomass driven by photosynthesis. The pixel value represents the total NPP for that specific month. The data is provided in near real time from January 2015 to present.

  • The layer gives an indication of the quality of the NDVI input data. It shows whether a valid observation was available for that dekad, and if not, the length of the data gap since the nearest valid observation, in dekads. The data is provided in near real time from January 2009 to present.

  • The layer gives an indication of the quality of the NDVI input data. It shows whether a valid observation was available for that dekad, and if not, the length of the data gap since the nearest valid observation, in dekads. The data is provided in near real time from January 2009 to present.

  • Categories    

    The 500 m raster dataset represents selected top location score areas filtered by exclusive criteria: access to finance, distance to major roads, access to IT, and distance to urban areas. The layer was produced under the scope of FAO’s Hand-in-Hand Initiative, Geographical Information Systems - Multicriteria Decision Analysis for value chain infrastructure location. The location score is achieved by processing sub-model outputs characterizing logistical factors dairy processing facilities siting: Supply, demand, Infrastructure/accessibility. The top score is selected/clipped using the exclusive criteria. Access to finance, distance to roads, and urban areas are defined using a linear distance threshold: • Banks - approx. 10km buffer radius. • Major roads - approx. 5km buffer radius. • Electrification - approx. 5km buffer radius. Access to IT and electricity is characterized by applying the mobile broadband coverage map and the Atlas AI Electrification map.