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  • Grayscale hillshaded image of SRTM 3 as terrestrial DEM and ETopo2 bathymetric data, resampled for compatibility with HydroShed data for Africa. SRTM is Shuttle Radar Topography Mission; DEM is Digital Elevation Model; ETopo2 is a 2 minute Elevation Topographic DEM including bathymetry. The 7-5AS_GSCL_SRTM-BATH image data layer is comprised of 37221x45583 derivative image hillshade features derived based on 0.0020833333_ data originally from SRTM 3as v.2.

  • ETM+ based natural-color image mosaic base contrast-lightened for better visual integration with 1:1m scale cartographic vector data. The AF_ETM_BASE image data layer is comprised of 18910x23158 derivative image satellite based imagery features derived based on 465 metre data originally from ETM+ Browse.

  • Contrast enhanced satellite image mosaic based on 2nd generation NASA Blue Marble imagery base. The AF_BMNG_BASE image data layer is comprised of 18612x22793 derivative image satellite based imagery features derived based on 0.0041666667_ data originally from MODIS BlueMarble-2.