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  • H1k_WS: 6-level watershed model based on the HYDRO1k, reprojected, verified, and downstream encoded version of the 6th level Pfafstetter encoded H1k watersheds. The H1K_LEV6 shapefile data layer is the comprised of 7133 derivative raster watershed and flow network features derived based on 4 000 cell data originally from HYDRO1k. The layer provides nominal analytical/mapping at 1:2 000 000. Data processing is complete globally, this is an African subset. Acronyms and Abbreviations: HYDRO1k - Global Hydrological 1 kilometre database of hydrologically filled DEMs, "river" flow, and watershed networks based on the GTopo30; GTopo30 - GT30/GTopo30 - Global Topographic 30 arc second DEM database, nominal 1km postings.