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  • This full resolution land cover is an updated version of the Africover Kenya data base dated circa 1999. The dataset was created using the FAO/GLCN methodology and tools. The land cover mapping was carried out with the visual interpretation of digitally enhanced LANDSAT ETM images acquired mainly in the year 2000. The legend was prepared using the FAO/UNEP international standard Land Cover Classification System (LCCS): a comprehensive, standardized a priori classification system, designed to meet specific user requirements and created for mapping exercises, independent of the scale or means used to map. The classification uses a set of independent diagnostic criteria that allows the correlation with existing classifications and legends. The dataset can be analyzed in the GLCN software Advanced Database Gateway (ADG), which provides a user-friendly interface and advanced functionalities to breakdown the LCCS classes in their classifiers for further aggregations and analysis. Source: WRI/FAO/DRSRS List of abbreviations: DRSRS - Kenya Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations GLCN - Global Land Cover Network LCCS - FAO/UNEP Land Cover Classification System UNEP - United Nations Environmental Programme WRI - World Resources Institute