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  • Global Map (resolution 30 arcsec) of TopSoil Organic Carbon Stock (0 - 30 cm depth). This dataset has been created by spatializing the information of over 23.500 soil samples from many databases (WISE3, USDA-NRCS- SOTER. ISRIC, University of Tuscia, SPADE, Russia, FAO et al.). Land Cover information comes from FAO GLC-SHARE Land Cover Database and the Harmonized Soil World Database (ver 1.21 - Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stock in the map is represented as a continuous value and expressed in Mg/ha.

  • Global Map (resolution 30 arcsec) of SubSoil Organic Carbon Stock (30 - 100 cm depth). This dataset has been created by spatializing the information of over 17.000 soil samples from many databases (WISE3, USDA-NRCS- SOTER. ISRIC, University of Tuscia, SPADE, Russia, FAO et al.). Land Cover information comes from FAO GLC-SHARE Land Cover Database and the Harmonized Soil World Database (ver 1.21 - Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stock in the map is represented as a continuous value and expressed in Mg/ha.