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  • Harvested area for the year 2010 for wheat, cotton and sugarcane under rain-fed, irrigated and total water supply conditions. The Harvested area dataset, at about 5 km resolution, is part of the GAEZ v4 Actual Yields and Production - Area, Yield and Production sub-theme. For additional information, please refer to the GAEZ v4 Model Documentation.

  • This dataset is one derivative product from GAEZ v4 for year 2015 that includes gridded (5-arcminute resolution) irrigated and rainfed crop production and crop yield for 26 different crops/crop categories (please see GAEZ_2015_Dimenision_crops.csv for the full list). For each country, the harvested area for each crop was extracted from the FAOSTAT database (; data downloaded April 2020). The three years average (2009-2011) of annual national crop harvested area data was considered to represent 2010 national crop harvest area, and the three years average (2014-2016) of annual crop harvested area data to represent 2015 national crop harvest area. The GAEZ v4.0 global gridded (5-arcminute) 2010 crop harvest area product (Fischer et al., 2021) was used as base layer for generating the updated crop harvested area for year 2015. For each grid cell, the crop harvested area in the 2010 product was multiplied by the fractional change from 2010 to 2015 in harvested area for that crop and country. In cases where a grid cell shares its area between multiple countries, the country area-fraction weighted-average was used for the calculation of the given crop. Note, a cell table of country fractions in the given cell (f_(m,i)^k) was based on the Global Administrative Unit Layers (GAUL) of FAO ( Unit of measure Crop harvested area: 1000 ha (10e7 m2) per 5-arcminute grid cell More information about this global gridded crop harvest area, crop production, and crop yield and selected crops dataset is available in the full metadata at

  • The harvested area value is one of the key indicators of the Global Spatially-Disaggregated Crop Production Statistics Data (MapSPAM) for 2010, along with physical area, production and yield, for 42 crops — disaggregated at the input-levels (e.g., irrigated/rainfed and high/low-input) on 10 km grids globally. This new version of MapSPAM, available to download from the Harvard Dataverse Website, marks the third generation of the SPAM data series, following those of 2000 and 2005. Unit of measure: Harvested area for each crop and technology: ha More information on the production systems and selected crops is available in the Global Spatially-Disaggregated Crop Production Statistics Data (MapSPAM) full metadata at

  • This dataset is one of the outputs of the Global Spatially-Disaggregated Crop Production Statistics Data (MapSPAM) for 2010, which includes physical area, harvest area, production and yield, for 42 crops, disaggregated at the input-levels (e.g., irrigated/rainfed and high/low-input) on a 10 km grid globally. Harvested area values in this dataset are given for each technology aggregated by categories – crops/food/non-food - with no information on individual crops. Unit of measure: Harvested area for each technology: ha This new version of MapSPAM, available to download from the Harvard Dataverse Website, marks the third generation of the SPAM data series, following those of 2000 and 2005. More information on the production systems and selected crops is available in the Global Spatially-Disaggregated Crop Production Statistics Data (MapSPAM) full metadata at