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    Surface runoff calculated for the Malaprabha (K4) sub-basin area. The surface runoff (sro) is the fraction of the effective rainfall that does infiltrate into the soil and contributes to overland flow. More information can be found on the IHE Delft Water Accounting report of Karnataka.

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    Incremental evapotranspiration calculated for the Litani River Basin area. The incremental evapotranspiration (ETINCR) is the evapotranspriation of blue water, in other words the incremental evapotranspiration is the fraction of the total actual evapotranspiration that is not due to rainfall. The calculation of Incremental Evapotranspiration is based on a pixel-based soil moisture balance model. More information can be found on the Water Accounting report of Litani (FAO and IHE Delft, 2019).

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    Surface runoff calculated for the Ghataprabha (K3) sub-basin area. The surface runoff (sro) is the fraction of the effective rainfall that does infiltrate into the soil and contributes to overland flow. More information can be found on the IHE Delft Water Accounting report of Karnataka.

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    Surface runoff calculated for the Middle Krishna (K2) sub-basin area. The surface runoff (sro) is the fraction of the effective rainfall that does infiltrate into the soil and contributes to overland flow. More information can be found on the IHE Delft Water Accounting report of Karnataka.

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    The evapotranspiration from precipitation (ETRAIN) is the portion of the actual evapotranspiration and interception (ETIa) that is satified from precipitation. It is computed from precipitation, actual evapotranspiration and soil moisture and calculated by spliting ETIa to rainfall and incremental ET using pixel based Soil Moisture Water Balance Model.

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    Incremental evapotranspiration calculated for the Jordan River Basin area. The incremental evapotranspiration is part of the actual evapotranspiration and Interception (ETIa) that is not satified from precipitation but from supply or runoff from other cells or from groundwater. It is calculated by spliting ETIa to rainfall and incremental ET using pixel based soil moisture water balance model.

  • Precipitation minus actual evapotranspiration (P-ET) calculated over the Awash River basin area in Ethiopia. The P-ET is the difference between WaPOR precipitation (based on CHIRPS) and the actual evapotranspiration and interception.

  • The incremental evapotranspiration is part of the actual evapotranspiration and Interception (ETIa) that is not satified from precipitation but from supply or runoff from other cells or from groundwater. It is calculated by spliting ETIa to rainfall and incremental ET using pixel based soil moisture water balance model.

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    The evapotranspiration from precipitation (ETRAIN) is the portion of the actual evapotranspiration and Interception (ETIa) that is satified from precipitation. It is computed from precipitation, actual evapotranspiration and soil moisture and calculated by spliting ETIa to rainfall and incremental ET using pixel based Soil Moisture Water Balance Model.