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  • Part of the Integrated Vulnerability Assessment in the Arab Region, this 1km pixel resolution raster dataset provides a representation of Adaptive Capacity to climate change, for the Economic Resources dimension, in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Vulnerability is a concept used to express the complex interaction of climate change effects and the susceptibility of a system to its impacts. The integrated vulnerability assessment methodology is based on an understanding of vulnerability as a function of a system’s climate change exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity to cope with climate change effects, consistent with the approach put forward by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). Combining exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity allows assessing the vulnerability of a system to climate change. Within this conceptual framework, Adaptive Capacity refers to “the ability of a system to adjust to climate change (including climate variability and extremes), to moderate potential damages, to take advantage of opportunities, or to cope with the consequences” as defined in the IPCC AR4. Adaptive Capacity was categorized into six dimensions. The Economic Resources dimension, together with the institutions can be classified as action devices that describe the enabling environment that allow a society to adapt. Economic Resources indicators include: Age Dependency Ratio; Food imports as Percentage of Merchandise Exports; GDP per Capita; Official Development Assistance Index. Indicators were assumed to retain the same values for the reference period and future periods, and raster grid pixel values were classified according to level of Adaptive Capacity, from low 1 to high 10.