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  • The whole set of simulated data contains over 400 Gb (hourly data for 10 years) after conversion to ASCII format. Warning: These "data" are not based on reanalysis of observations, but just on modeling with initial and boundary conditions from CMCC-CPS output. The high resolution modeling is an experiment. Especially the calculated precipitation may have systematic deviations from the observations. The purpose of these synthetic data is to test the merit or lack of merit of high-resolution modeling. The model grid is not aligned with latitude and longitude, so interpolation of the data may be necessary. The output is stored in separate files for each grid. Data content: 1.Temperature at 20 m (°C); 2. Specific humidity at 20 m (g/kg); 3. Wind speed at 20 m; 4. Wind direction at 20 m; 5. Short wave radiation (W/m2); 6. Sensible heat flux (W/m2); 7. Latent heat flux (W/m2, can be converted directly to evaporation in mm/h); 8. Cumulated precipitation (mm); Data storage: presently the data are stored in binary files. For each month there are 4 files: one file per ½ calender month - grid - combination. After conversion to text format, the size is about 2.5 Mb (outer grid) or almost 2 Mb (inner grid) for each simulated hour. The size of the whole set converted to ASCII is over 400 Gb. The simulated weather data or data-excerpts can be made available on demand only. Please contact Antoon Meesters at [email protected] to place your request. This data model has been produced in the framework of the "Climate change predictions in Sub-Saharan Africa: impacts and adaptations (ClimAfrica)" project, Work Package 2 (WP2). More information on ClimAfrica project is provided in the Supplemental Information section of this metadata.