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    Leaf Area Index calculated in the Middle Krishna (K2) sub-basin area. The Leaf Area Index or LAI is a dimensionless quantity which is used to characterize plant canopies. It is defined as the one-sided green leaf area per unit ground area in broad leaf canopies and as one-half the total needle surface area per unit ground area in coniferous canopies. In Water Accounting is used to compute Interception. This data was collected from NASA's Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC).

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    Leaf Area Index calculated in the Malaprabha (K4) sub-basin area. The Leaf Area Index or LAI is a dimensionless quantity which is used to characterize plant canopies. It is defined as the one-sided green leaf area per unit ground area in broad leaf canopies and as one-half the total needle surface area per unit ground area in coniferous canopies. In Water Accounting is used to compute Interception. This data was collected from NASA's Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC).

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    Leaf Area Index calculated in the Ghataprabha (K3) sub-basin area. The Leaf Area Index or LAI is a dimensionless quantity which is used to characterize plant canopies. It is defined as the one-sided green leaf area per unit ground area in broad leaf canopies and as one-half the total needle surface area per unit ground area in coniferous canopies. In Water Accounting is used to compute Interception. This data was collected from NASA's Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC).