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  • This layer has been provided by MI-GLIS

  • The Mangrove extent cover map 2017 is produced under the GCCA+ Suriname adaption project “Setting up a mangrove biodiversity Monitoring System”. It gives the current mangrove extent along the coastal region of Suriname, as well as the upper shores of the Coppename River, Saramacca river, Suriname river and Marowijne river. The map is produced with Sentinel 2 imagery of 2017 provided by the EU Copernicus programme of ESA, using a machine learning classification technique using following softwares; QGIS, SNAP and python. An accuracy assessment is currently carried out in collaboration with the UN-REDD program and will be finalized in 2019.

  • This dataset displays the different businesses connected to woodprocessing in Suriname. Referentie Department of economic services of the Foundation for Forestmanagement and production control (SBB)

  • This layer gives an idea of the hydrography in Suriname, including rivers, lakes and part of the Atlantic Ocean. This layer was produced by SBB based on Landsat images.