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    Boundary of the Tonle Sap basin obtained from HydroSHED (Lerner, 2019).

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    Saturated soil water content calculated over the study area of Mindanao island of Philippines. The dataset is derived from the High Resolution Soil Map of Hydraulic Properties.

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    Incremental Evapotranspiration calculated over the study area of Mindanao island of Philippines. The incremental evapotranspiration (etincr) is the evapotranspriation of blue water, in other words the incremental evapotranspiration is the fraction of the total actual evapotranspiration that is not due to rainfall. The calculation of Incremental Evapotranspiration is based on a pixel-based soil moisture balance model. More information can be found at:

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    Saturated soil water content calculated over the Jordan River Basin area in Jordan. The dataset is derived from the High Resolution Soil Map of Hydraulic Properties (HiHydroSoils v1.0).

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    Interception calculated over the study area of Mindanao island of Philippines. The Interception (I) data component (monthly, in mm/day) represents the evaporation of intercepted rainfall from the vegetation canopy. Interception is the process where rainfall is captured by the leaves. Part of this captured rainfall will evaporate again. The value of each pixel represents the average monthly evaporated interception for that specific month.

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    This land cover map, covering the ADB study area of Mindanao island of Philippines, is obtained from Philippines National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA)’s 2015 land cover map.

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    Precipitation calculated over the study area of Mindanao island of Philippines. The dataset is the GPM IMERG final run product resampled to 250 from 5000m GPM precipitation product. More information at:

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    Saturated soil water content calculated over the Litani River Basin area in Lebanon. The dataset is derived from the High Resolution Soil Map of Hydraulic Properties (HiHydroSoils v1.0).

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    Boundary of the Litani River Basin obtained from HydroBASINS (Lerner and Grill, 2013).

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    Saturated soil water content calculated over the Tonle Sap river basin area in Cambodia. The dataset is derived from the High Resolution Soil Map of Hydraulic Properties (HiHydroSoils v1.0).