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  • RICCAR, MENA Region - TR - Change in Annual Tropical Nights (RCM Ensemble for near-,mid-,end-century) This raster dataset provides a representation of the change in Annual TR - Annual Tropical Nights (number of days when daily minimum temperature > 20ºC) in the Middle East and North Africa Region. The Regional Climate Model (RCM) ensemble adopts the time periods generally used by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) and other regional climate modelling experiments. It runs climate simulations based on three future time periods that are compared with a historical reference period. Available at 50km pixel resolution, for future time periods; near, mid and end-century, the raster grids are generated for moderate and high representative concentration pathways (RCPs), climate change scenarios developed by the IPCC for informing global and regional climate modelling work (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). The adopted time periods are: - Near-Century (2016-2035); - Mid-Century (2046-2065); - End-Century (2081-2100).

  • This raster dataset provides a representation of the Seasonal TR indicator, Seasonal Tropical Nights - Number of days when daily minimum temperature > 20ºC - for the Middle East and North Africa Region from 1951 to 2100. The climate change projections use global climate models/global circulation models (GCMs). These are numerical models that combine physical processes on the land surface and in the ocean, atmosphere and cryosphere to simulate the response of the global climate system to increasing greenhouse-gas concentrations. The 50km pixel resolution raster grids are provided for three of the four representative concentration pathways (RCPs), climate change scenarios developed by IPCC for informing global and regional climate modelling work, namely; low, moderate and high (RCP2.6 /4.5 /8.5) and generated for each of the GCMs: - CNRM-CM5 System Model; - EC-EARTH System Model; - NOAA-GFDL-GFDL-ESM2M System Model. Four seasons are defined as: 1 - December-January-February; 2 - March-April-May; 3 - June-July-August; 4 - September-October-November.

  • RICCAR, MENA Region - TR - Annual Tropical Nights (RCM Ensemble for reference period) This raster dataset provides a representation of Annual TR - Annual Tropical Nights (number of days when daily minimum temperature > 20ºC) in the Middle East and North Africa Region. The Regional Climate Model (RCM) ensemble adopts the time periods generally used by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) and other regional climate modelling experiments. It runs climate simulations based on three future time periods that are compared with a historical reference period. Available for 1986-2005 reference period, the 50km pixel resolution raster grids are generated for Moderate and High representative concentration pathways (RCPs), climate change scenarios developed by the IPCC for informing global and regional climate modelling work: RCP4.5 and RCP8.5.

  • This raster dataset provides a representation of the annual TR Indicator, Annual Tropical Nights - Number of days when daily minimum temperature > 20ºC - for the Middle East and North Africa Region from 1951 to 2100. The climate change projections use global climate models/global circulation models (GCMs). These are numerical models that combine physical processes on the land surface and in the ocean, atmosphere and cryosphere to simulate the response of the global climate system to increasing greenhouse-gas concentrations. The 50km pixel resolution raster grids are provided for three of the four representative concentration pathways (RCPs) developed by IPCC for informing global and regional climate modelling work namely, low, moderate and high (RCP2.6 /4.5 /8.5) and generated using GCMs: - CNRM-CM5 System Model; - EC-EARTH System Model; - NOAA-GFDL-GFDL-ESM2M System Model.