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    Population density in the Middle Krishna (K2) sub-basin area. The dataset, calculated as number of people per hectare, is derived from the WorldPop datasets (

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    The layer represents the canal network in the command area of Narayanapur Left Bank Canal (NLBC) in Karnataka state of India.

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    Number of rainy days calculated in the Middle Krishna sub-basin area. For every pixel, the number of rainy days in a month is reported. This dataset is created by using daily rainfall data from the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS).

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    Saturated soil water content calculated over the Malaprabha (K4) sub-basin area. The dataset is derived from the High Resolution Soil Map of Hydraulic Properties (HiHydroSoils v1.0).

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    Incremental Evapotranspiration calculated for the Ghataprabha (K3) sub-basin area. The incremental evapotranspiration (etincr) is the evapotranspriation of blue water, in other words the incremental evapotranspiration is the fraction of the total actual evapotranspiration that is not due to rainfall. The calculation of Incremental Evapotranspiration is based on a pixel-based soil moisture balance model. More information can be found on the IHE Delft Water Accounting report of Karnataka.

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    Interception calculated in the Middle Krishna sub-basin area. The Interception (I) data component (monthly, in mm/day) represents the evaporation of intercepted rainfall from the vegetation canopy. Interception is the process where rainfall is captured by the leaves. Part of this captured rainfall will evaporate again. The value of each pixel represents the average monthly evaporated interception for that specific month.

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    Actual Evapotranspiration (ETa) calculated in the Malaprabha (K4) sub-basin area. The actual Evapotranspiration (ETa) is the sum of the soil evaporation (E), canopy transpiration (T), and evaporation from rainfall intercepted by leaves (I). The value of each pixel represents the ETIa in a given month. The data is derived from SSEBop ET product (Senay et al. (2013), doi:10.1111/jawr.12057).

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    Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the Middle Krishna (K2) sub-basin.The data is obtained from HydroSHED (

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    Soil moisture calculated for the Middle Krishna (K2) sub-basin area. The soil moisture (sm) is the water content in the unsaturated zone (depth of the unsaturated zone = root zone). The calculation of soil moisture is based on a pixel-based soil moisture balance model. More information can be found on the IHE Delft Water Accounting report of Karnataka.

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    Leaf Area Index calculated in the Middle Krishna (K2) sub-basin area. The Leaf Area Index or LAI is a dimensionless quantity which is used to characterize plant canopies. It is defined as the one-sided green leaf area per unit ground area in broad leaf canopies and as one-half the total needle surface area per unit ground area in coniferous canopies. In Water Accounting is used to compute Interception. This data was collected from NASA's Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC).