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  • The vector data set is based on the FAO-UNESCO Soil Map of the World. The Digitized Soil Map of the World, at 1:5.000.000 scale, is in the Geographic projection (Latitude - Longitude) intersected with a template containing water related features (coastlines, lakes, glaciers and double-lined rivers). The Digital Soil Map of the World (except for the continent of Africa) was intersected with the Country Boundaries map from the World Data Bank II (with country boundaries updated to January 1994 at 1:3 000 000 scale), obtained from the US Government. For Africa, the country boundaries are derived from the FAO Country Boundaries on the original FAO/UNESCO Soil Map of the World. Country boundaries in both cases were checked and adjusted in certain places on the basis of FAO and UN conventions. The maps (jpg and pdf) are also available on the FAO soil Portal together with their reports for the following regions : North America, Mexico and Central America, South America, Europe, Asia, South Asia, Nortah and Central Asia, Sourtheast Asia and Australasia. []

  • The raster dataset of the FAO/UNESCO Digital Soil Map of the World (DSMW) has a spatial resolution of 5 * 5 arc minutes and is in geographic projection.

  • The raster dataset of easily available water has a spatial resolution of 5 * 5 arc minutes and is in geographic projection. Information with regard to available water was obtained from the "Derived Soil Properties" of the FAO-UNESCO Soil Map of the World which contains raster information on soil properties.

  • The raster dataset of suitability for maize has a spatial resolution of 5 * 5 arc minutes and is in geographic projection. Information with regard to maize suitability was obtained from the "Derived Soil Properties" of the FAO-UNESCO Soil Map of the World which contains raster information on soil properties.

  • The raster dataset of suitability for rainfed and irrigated rice with high input has a spatial resolution of 5 * 5 arc minutes and is in geographic projection. Information with regard to rice suitability was obtained from the "Derived Soil Properties" of the FAO-UNESCO Soil Map of the World which contains raster information on soil properties.

  • The raster dataset of suitability for rainfed wheat with intermediate inputs has a spatial resolution of 5 * 5 arc minutes and is in geographic projection. Information with regard to wheat suitability was obtained from the "Derived Soil Properties" of the FAO-UNESCO Soil Map of the World which contains raster information on soil properties.