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  • Include : Production of Cereals (fig. 2)

  • Include: Mapa de pendientes de la zona arida

  • Ad1-Polygonal representation of national and other areas of sovereignty boundaries compiled from multiple RWDB2 source layers, circa 1997. The RWDB_AD1-PY shapefile data layer is comprised of 12905 derivative vector framework library features derived based on 1:3 000 000 data originally from RWDBII. The layer provides nominal analytical/mapping at 1:3 000 000. Data processing complete globally. Acronyms and Abbreviations: RWDB2 or RWDB II- Relational World Database II.

  • Linear outlines of SWB (Surface Waterbody) features integrated with Rivers and other linear surface hydrological features. The RWDB_HYD-LN shapefile data layer is comprised of 29177 derivative vector framework library features derived based on 1:3 000 000 data originally from RWDBII. The layer provides nominal analytical/mapping at 1:3 000 000. Data processing complete globally. Acronyms and Abbreviations: RWDB2 or RWDB II - Relational World Database II; SWB - Surface Waterbody.

  • The mapping system is the result of a collaborative initiative between FAO (AGAL - Animal Production and Health Division) and ILRI to develop a global, one kilometre resolution, GIS map of livestock production systems. The first attempt to map livestock production systems, at least in the developing world, was by Thornton et al. in 2002, based on a classification scheme developed by Seré and Steinfeld in 1996. This version includes more accurate and higher spatial resolution input data.

  • Ad2-Polygonal representation of national, 1st-order subnational and other areas of sovereignty boundaries compiled from multiple RWDB2 source layers, circa 1997. The RWDB_AD2-PY shapefile data layer is comprised of 16035 derivative vector framework library features derived based on 1:3 000 000 data originally from RWDBII. The layer provides nominal analytical/mapping at 1:3 000 000. Data processing complete globally. Acronyms and Abbreviations: RWDB2 or RWDB II- Relational World Database II.