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  • **Table content** - Year - Indicator - Product - Value - Flag - Unit

  • **Table content** - Year - Indicator - Species - Value - Flag - Unit

  • **Table content** - Year - Item - Value - Flag - Area - Unit - Indicator

  • **Table content** - year - item - Value - Flag - Area - Unit - Indicator

  • **Table content** - year - item - Value - Flag - Area - Unit - Indicator

  • A series of activities aiming to modify the dynamics of deforestation and/or forest degradation and/or to increase forest carbon stocks, within a delimited geographical area, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions linked to these dynamics. A results based compensation mechanism ( based on funds or carbon market) has been put into place to validate and encourage these reductions. The emissions must be measured, monitored and validated according to a methodology previously approved by an internationally recognized institution. Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are measured according to a plausible reference level previously established according to the methodology enforced by the host country.

  • An initiative bearing direct or indirect impact on greenhouse gas emissions due to deforestation and/or forest degradation, sustainable future and increase of forest carbon stocks, in the short or medium term, and proposed to be inserted in the national REDD+ strategy.

  • **Table content** - Year - Indicator - Product - Value - Flag - Unit

  • In 2000 and 2001 production of cassava increased because of increase in area of cultivation from 183486 to 202338 hectares respectively. Peas Dry: Variations in production over the reference years was contributed by unfavorable weather conditions which also made farmers also to change area(ha.) grown to the crop. Pigeon Peas: although the crop is drought tolerant the unfavorable weather caused variation in production over the reference period Maize:variations production In 1994 data collection for Castor seed stopped. Millet: Variations in production over the years was contributed by unpredictable weather conditions which also made farmers also to change area(ha.) grown to the crop. Chick Peas are not grown in large scales. In 2008 rains stopped than earlier years. 2001 and 2002 Chilies area of cultivation dropped from 4974 to 4167 hectares respectively. In the recent years coffee has been introduced in other areas of the country. Cow peas: production dropped significantly as compared to the previous years because rains stopped earlier than expected. cow peas are planted as relay crop therefore most farmers failed to plant hence the reduction in area and production. Groundnuts: variations in production due to erratic rains in some of the seasons in the reference years. Maize: variations in production due to erratic rains in some of the seasons in the reference years Potatoes:variations in production due to erratic rains in some of the seasons in the reference years. Pulses: this is a combination of all leguminous crops, and variation in production over the years has been due to unfavorable weather conditions. **Table content** - Year - Indicator - Product - Value - Flag - Unit

  • **Table content** - Year - Indicator - Sex - Value - Flag - Unit