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    This dataset assesses the current and future weather-related hazards that are likely to affect the agricultural systems (including crops, fisheries/aquaculture, livestock, and forestry) and the population in the project’s locations. Reference Time Period: Medium Term (2041-2060); Reference Climate scenario=RCP8.5 (High emissions)

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    This dataset assesses the current and future weather-related hazards that are likely to affect the agricultural systems (including crops, fisheries/aquaculture, livestock, and forestry) and the population in the project’s locations. Reference time period: Medium term (2041-2060); Reference climate scenario=RCP2.6 (Low emissions)

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    This dataset assesses the current and future weather-related hazards that are likely to affect the agricultural systems (including crops, fisheries/aquaculture, livestock, and forestry) and the population in the project’s locations. Reference time period: Near term (2021-2040); Reference climate scenario=RCP2.6 (Low emissions)

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    This dataset assesses the risks for a system or a community to the adverse effects of climate change, considering the available information on the following indicators... Reference time period: 1981-2010 (Baseline)

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    This dataset assesses the risks for a system or a community to the adverse effects of climate change, considering the available information on the following indicators.......... Reference time period: 2021-2040 (Near term) Reference climate scenario: RCP8.5 (High emissions)

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    This dataset assesses the risks for a system or a community to the adverse effects of climate change, considering the available information on the following indicators.......... Reference time period: 2041-2060 (Medium term) Reference climate scenario: RCP2.6 (Low emissions)

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    This dataset assesses the risks for a system or a community to the adverse effects of climate change, considering the available information on the following indicators.......... Reference time period: 2021-2040 (Near term) Reference climate scenario: RCP2.6 (Low emissions)

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    This dataset assesses the risks for a system or a community to the adverse effects of climate change, considering the available information on the following indicators.......... Reference time period: 2041-2060 (Medium term) Reference climate scenario: RCP8.5 (High emissions)

  • Categories  

    This dataset assesses the current and future weather-related hazards that are likely to affect the agricultural systems (including crops, fisheries/aquaculture, livestock, and forestry) and the population in the project’s locations. Reference time period: Near term (2021-2040); Reference climate scenario=RCP8.5 (High emissions)

  • Categories  

    This dataset assesses the risks for a system or a community to the adverse effects of climate change, considering the available information on the following indicators: