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Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos de la República de Argentina (INDEC)

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  • The radio censal geographical base was prepared by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos de la República de Argentina (INDEC), as part of the national geographical units for the National Population, Household and Housing Census 2010 (CNPHyV 2010) al, based on information provided by the Provincial Statistics Offices (DPE). Any administrative boundary of the dataset is accompanied by its code, name, and basic statistical information. The geographical units are territorial subdivisions used to refer statistics. Under this definition there are political divisions (provincias, departamentos, gobiernos locales) and operational statistical units (localidad censal, fracción censal, radio censal). Among them the "radio censal" represents the lowest available spatial unit for aggregated census data in the country. The codes, as unique identification keys, are constructed for each territorial unit from the concatenation of upper level territorial units coding. Using coding system and names it is possible to identify and produce maps for all levels, namely: Level 1 - "División político-territorial" (DPT) - Includes 23 "provincias" and "Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires". Those are identified by two digits. Coding starts with 02, corresponding to the "Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires", and it is incremental in 4 number intervals. Numbering was initially defined by the alphabetical order and units hierarchical level (Capital Federal, provincias y Territorio Nacional de la Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur). The coding is maintained but it does not follow alphabetical order. Coding also contemplates "undetermined" (98) and "unknown” (99) features. Level 2 - "División político-administrativa" (DPA) "Partidos" in Buenos Aires "provincia", "comunas" in "Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires" and "departamentos" in the rest of the "provincias". These political-administrative units are identified by a 5-digit code. Numeric code is formed, from left to right, with two digits from DPT (Level 1) and 3 digits referring to the DPA ("departamento", "partido, "comuna"). For each territorial unit numbering starts with 007 code and is followed in multiples of seven. This order can be changed when a new "departamento" is added or there are changes in areas between "departamentos". Coding includes: "undetermined" (998) and "unknown” (999) features. Level 3/4 - Fracción (level 3) and Radio (Level4) - Are census or statistical units defined by number of households. Each DPA (Level 2) disaggregates in "fracciones" (Level 3) and each of those in "radios" (Level 4). "Fracción" and "Radio" can be urban, rural and mixed type. In urban areas "Fracción" has an average of 5000 households and radio 300, in urban peripheries "radio" can have 200 and in isolated places 100. In rural areas "fracciones" and "radios" are determined by terrain characteristics, accessibility and distance between households. "Fracción" numeric code is formed, from left to right, with two digits corresponding to the Level1 DPT, three digits from Level2 DPA and two more digits representing the "fracción" Level3. "Fracciones" are numbered sequentially, starting with 01 with correlative numbers . "Radio" coding follows the same procedure. Two digits corresponding to the DPT, 3 digits corresponding to the DPA, two digits for Level 3 " fracción" and two more that identify Level 4 "radio". For each "fracción", "radios" are numbered sequentially, starting with 01.