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  • The FGGD multiple cropping zone map under rainfed conditions on currently available land is a global raster datalayer with a resolution of 5 arc-minutes. Pixels classified as urban, closed forest or irrigated contain negative values. Each remaining pixel contains contains the 2005 version of the suitability index for multiple cropping on the land area of the pixel. The method is described in FAO and IIASA, 2007, Mapping biophysical factors that influence agricultural production and rural vulnerability, by H. von Velthuizen et al.

  • The FGGD suitability map using maximising crop and technology mix is a global raster datalayer with a resolution of 5 arc-minutes. Pixels classified as urban, closed forest or irrigated contain negative values. Each remaining pixel contains the suitability index for rainfed crops, using maximising crop and technology mix, 2005 version. The method is described in FAO and IIASA, 2007, Mapping biophysical factors that influence agricultural production and rural vulnerability, by H. von Velthuizen et al.

  • The FGGD multiple cropping zone map under rainfed conditions on global land area is a global raster datalayer with a resolution of 5 arc-minutes. Each pixel contains the 2005 version of the suitability index for multiple cropping on the land area of the pixel. The method is described in FAO and IIASA, 2007, Mapping biophysical factors that influence agricultural production and rural vulnerability, by H. von Velthuizen et al.

  • The FGGD suitability map using maximising crop and technology mix is a global raster datalayer with a resolution of 5 arc-minutes. Each pixel contains the suitability index for rainfed crops, using maximising crop and technology mix, 2005 version. The method is described in FAO and IIASA, 2007, Mapping biophysical factors that influence agricultural production and rural vulnerability, by H. von Velthuizen et al.

  • The FGGD crop suitability maps at low, intermediate and high levels of inputs under rainfed conditions on currently available land are global raster datalayers with a resolution of 5 arc-minutes. Pixels classified as urban, closed forest or irrigated contain values of zero. Each remaining pixel contains the 2005 version of the suitability index for rainfed production of the crop or crop group concerned. The method and crop coverage of each crop group are described in FAO and IIASA, 2007, Mapping biophysical factors that influence agricultural production and rural vulnerability, by H. von Velthuizen et al.

  • The FGGD crop suitability maps at low, intermediate and high levels of inputs under rainfed conditions on global land area are global raster datalayers with a resolution of 5 arc-minutes. Each pixel contains the 2005 version of the suitability index for rainfed production of the crop or crop group concerned. The method and crop coverage of each crop group are described in FAO and IIASA, 2007, Mapping biophysical factors that influence agricultural production and rural vulnerability, by H. von Velthuizen et al.

  • The FGGD crop suitability maps at low, intermediate and high levels of inputs under rainfed conditions on global land area are global raster datalayers with a resolution of 5 arc-minutes. Each pixel contains the 2005 version of the suitability index for rainfed production of the crop or crop group concerned. The method and crop coverage of each crop group are described in FAO and IIASA, 2007, Mapping biophysical factors that influence agricultural production and rural vulnerability, by H. von Velthuizen et al.

  • The FGGD crop suitability maps at low, intermediate and high levels of inputs under rainfed conditions on currently available land are global raster datalayers with a resolution of 5 arc-minutes. Pixels classified as urban, closed forest or irrigated contain values of zero. Each remaining pixel contains the 2005 version of the suitability index for rainfed production of the crop or crop group concerned. The method and crop coverage of each crop group are described in FAO and IIASA, 2007, Mapping biophysical factors that influence agricultural production and rural vulnerability, by H. von Velthuizen et al.

  • The FGGD production potential variability map is a global vector datalayer at scale 1:5 000 000. The map depicts the average coefficient of variation for cereal production potential under rainfed conditions for the period 1961 to 1990 by country. The method is described in FAO and IIASA, 2007, Mapping biophysical factors that influence agricultural production and rural vulnerability, by H. von Velthuizen et al.

  • The FGGD crop suitability maps at low, intermediate and high levels of inputs under rainfed conditions on global land area are global raster datalayers with a resolution of 5 arc-minutes. Each pixel contains the 2005 version of the suitability index for rainfed production of the crop or crop group concerned. The method and crop coverage of each crop group are described in FAO and IIASA, 2007, Mapping biophysical factors that influence agricultural production and rural vulnerability, by H. von Velthuizen et al.