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  • Monthly Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) of natural vegetation (no cropland). Unit: kgC/m²/s Climate Input: MIROC5, CanESM, GFDL Downscaling method/bias correction: RCA3, QMBC, SOMD CO2 scenarios: B1 transient CO2, B2 constant CO2 at 1960 level (316.27ppm) Land use: land use is kept constant at the year 2000 distribution. Temporal Extent: 1961-2099 (monthly resolution) Spatial Extent: Africa Spatial Resolution: 0.5° grid cell This data set has been produced in the framework of the "Climate change predictions in Sub-Saharan Africa: impacts and adaptations (ClimAfrica)" project, Work Package 3 (WP3). WP3 aims at quantifying the sensitivity of vegetation productivity and water resources to seasonal, inter-annual and decadal variability in weather and climate, using impact models on agriculture and water. The available models in combination with developed datasets of land use and climate from WP2 were used to simulate crop yield and water resources. Simulations using short-term scenarios of future climate change (5-10 years) were used to identify regional differences in the climate sensitivity of crop production etc. Scenarios for the African agricultural/pastoral sectors were also made using longer model runs. Finally, tradeoffs and areas of risk and vulnerability were identified in relation to: - Water-related hazards; - Agricultural and pastoral performance; - Soil degradation. More information on ClimAfrica project is provided in the Supplemental Information section of this metadata.

  • This dataset is a thematic reaggregated version of the original national Africover landcover multipurpose database. It contains all natural vegetation. The original full resolution land cover has been produced from visual interpretation of digitally enhanced LANDSAT TM images (Bands 4,3,2) acquired mainly in the year 1997 (see the "Multipurpose Landcover Database" metadata for more details). This dataset is intended for free public access. Thematic aggregation is the way that the end user customizes the Africover database to fulfil his/her specific requirements. The Africover database gives equal level of detail to Agriculture as well as Natural vegetation or Bare Areas etc. Generally a single user does not need this level of detail for each class type; therefore he/she will enhance the information of one land cover type and will generalize or erase the information related to other land cover aspects. The most powerful way to conduct an aggregation exercise is to use the classifiers as basic elements of the exercise. This gives the user the maximum flexibility on the use of data. The shape main attributes correspond to the following fields: -ID -HECTARES -NV_ID -NV_DESC You can download a zip archive containing: -the eg-nat-veg-agg (.shp) -the Egypt Classifiers Used (.pdf) -the Egypt legend (.pdf and .xls) -the Egypt Legend - LCCS Import file (.xls) -the LCCSglossary_egypt (.pdf) -the thematic-aggregation-procedure (.pdf) -the thematic-aggregation-annex1 (.pdf) -the thematic-aggregation-annex2 (.pdf) -the Userlabel Definitions (.pdf)