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  • Source: National Forest Resources Monitoring and Assessment of Tanzania (NAFORMA). 2015. Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Tanzania. Methodology: For more information on the Land Use Land Cover Map, and to download a pdf version of the map, please visit the NAFORMA website -

  • Bhutan land use/land cover 2010

  • Land Use Map of the Philippines (1 000 000)

  • **Table content** - Year - Indicator - Value - Flag - Unit

  • Bhutan land use/land cover 2016

  • **Table content** - Year - Indicator - Field Management - Value - Flag - Unit

  • National Land Use Land Cover Map 2015 This map shows the national Land Use Land Cpver of 2015. SBB, NIMOS and other relevant key partners created this map in close collaboration. The process to create the map involves: Work sessions with the key partners where the classes are defined, Field validation and Image interpretation and classification using ancillary data

  • These datasets are the main products of the National Land Use Land Cover (LULC) mapping for each epoch done by National Forestry Authority. They represent Uganda's LULC classified into 13 main classes and sub-classes according to the National Biomass Study (NBS) classification system. The NBS classification system was designed to be robust with capacity to store data on Land cover, Biomass and Wetness. Datasets available are 1990, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2017.

  • These datasets are the main products of the National Land Use Land Cover (LULC) mapping for each epoch done by National Forestry Authority. They represent Uganda's LULC classified into 13 main classes and sub-classes according to the National Biomass Study (NBS) classification system. The NBS classification system was designed to be robust with capacity to store data on Land cover, Biomass and Wetness. Datasets available are 1990, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2017.

  • Forest Cover Map 2000 This Map shows the forestcover in the year 2000 It has been produced by the Forest Cover Monitoring Unit which is established within SBB. This map was made with use of Landsat Imagery.