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    Incremental Evapotranspiration calculated for the Ghataprabha (K3) sub-basin area. The incremental evapotranspiration (etincr) is the evapotranspriation of blue water, in other words the incremental evapotranspiration is the fraction of the total actual evapotranspiration that is not due to rainfall. The calculation of Incremental Evapotranspiration is based on a pixel-based soil moisture balance model. More information can be found on the IHE Delft Water Accounting report of Karnataka.

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    Digital elevation model (DEM) of the Ghataprabha (K3) sub-basin.The data is obtained from HydroSHED (

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    Total Flow (calculated for the Ghataprabha (K3) sub-basin area. The total flow (tf) is the sum of surface runoff (sro) and the base flow (bf). More information can be found on the IHE Delft Water Accounting report of Karnataka.

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    Evaporation calculated for the Ghataprabha (K3) sub-basin area. Evaporation (e) is one of the three components of the actual evapotranspiration (SSEBop global data). It is computed as the difference between the actual evapotranspiration (ET), the interception (I) and the transpiration (T). E = ET- I - T

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    Reference Evapotranspiration calculated for the Ghataprabha (K3) sub-basin area. The reference evapotranspiration (et_ref) is defined as the evapotranspiration from a hypothetical reference crop and it simulates the behaviour of a well-watered grass surface. The value of each pixel represents the total monthly reference evapotranspiration for that specific month. Reference evapotranspiration is derived using the Penman-Monteith equation. The following data is used to calculate RET: daily incoming solar radiation and weather data (temperature, humidity, wind speed).

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    Precipitation minus actual evapotranspiration (P-ET) calculated over the Ghataprabha (K3) sub-basin area. The P-ET is the difference between CHIRPS data and US SSEBop evapotranspiration.

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    Surface runoff calculated for the Ghataprabha (K3) sub-basin area. The surface runoff (sro) is the fraction of the effective rainfall that does infiltrate into the soil and contributes to overland flow. More information can be found on the IHE Delft Water Accounting report of Karnataka.

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    Population density in the Ghataprabha (K3) sub-basin area. The dataset, calculated as number of people per hectare, is derived from the WorldPop datasets (

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    Dry Matter Productivity in the Ghataprabha (K3) sub-basin area. The Dry Matter Productivity is the dry biomass increase of the vegetation in a given month. Data is obtained from Copernicus Global Land Service.

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    Base flow calculated for the Ghataprabha (K3) sub-basin area. Base flow (bf) or slow flow is the component of the total flow that is due to groudwater discharge. It mainly occurs during dry months. The calculation of base flow is based on a pixel-based soil water balance model. More information are available in the IHE Delft water accounting report of Karnataka.