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    Drought: areas where the change in the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) is below -20%. The long-term change in annual drought is calculated over a 20 year time period, from 2041 to 2060 (mid term), with RCP 2.6 low emission scenario. Source: WCRP CORDEX - CMIP6/CORDEX (

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    Extreme low temperatures: Areas where minimum temperatures are below 0ºC for at least 15 days on average per year. The long-term change in annual minimum temperature is calculated over a 30 year time period, from 1981 to 2010 (baseline). Source: CHIRPS/GEE 2015.

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    Extreme precipitation: areas where the change in the average maximum 1-day precipitation is above 20%. The long-term change in annual precipitation is calculated over a 20 year time period, from 2041 to 2060 (mid term) and with RCP 2.6 low emissions scenario. Source: WCRP CORDEX - CMIP6/CORDEX (

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    Ocean acidification: Areas where pH at surface is below 8.085. The long-term change in annual ocean acidification is calculated over a 20 year time period, from 2021 to 2040 (near term), with RCP 8.5 high emission scenario. Source: NOA ???

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    Extreme precipitation: areas where the change in the average maximum 1-day precipitation is above 20%. The long-term change in annual precipitation is calculated over a 20 year time period, from 2021 to 2040 (near term), with RCP 8.5 high emissions scenario. Source: WCRP CORDEX - CMIP6/CORDEX (

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    Ocean acidification: Areas where pH at surface is below 8.085. The long-term change in annual ocean acidification is calculated over a 20 year time period, from 2041 to 2060 (mid term), with RCP 2.6 low emission scenario. Source: NOA ???

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    Extreme precipitation: areas where the change in the average maximum 1-day precipitation is above 20%. The long-term change in annual precipitation is calculated over a 20 year time period, from 2021 to 2040 (near term) and with RCP 2.6 low emissions scenario. Source: WCRP CORDEX - CMIP6/CORDEX (

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    Floods: areas prone to flood events with 100-year return period - baseline (1981-2010). Within the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 (GAR15), the global flood hazard assessment uses a probabilistic approach for modelling riverine flood major river basins around the globe. The time span in the global stream-flow dataset is long enough to allow extreme value analysis. Where time series of flow discharges were too short or incomplete, they were improved with proxy data from stations located in the same “homogeneous region.” Homogeneous regions were calculated taking into account information such as climatic zones, hydrological characteristics of the catchments, and statistical parameters of the streamflow data. - The calculated discharge quantiles were introduced to river sections, whose geometries were derived from topographic data (SRTM), and used with a simplified approach (based on Manning’s equation) to model water levels downstream. This procedure allowed for the determination of the reference Flood hazard maps for different return periods (6 are shown in the global study: T= 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 years). The hazard maps are developed at 1kmx1km resolution. Such maps have been validated against satellite flood footprints from different sources (DFO archive, UNOSAT flood portal) and well performed especially for the big events For smaller events (lower return periods), the GAR Flood hazard maps tend to overestimate with respect to similar maps produced locally (hazard maps where available for some countries and were used as benchmark). Source: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) GAR15

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    Ocean acidification: Areas where pH at surface is below 8.085. The long-term change in annual ocean acidification is calculated over a 20 year time period, from 2021 to 2040 (near term), with RCP 2.6 low emission scenario. Source: NOA ???

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    Extreme low temperatures: areas where the number of days per year with minimum temperatures below 0ºC will increase by more than 1 day. The long-term change in annual low temperature is calculated over a 20 year time period, from 2021 to 2040 (near term), with RCP 8.5 high emission scenario. Source: WCRP CORDEX - CMIP6/CORDEX (