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  • Robust derivative of VMap0 - Ed5 data layers with harmonized encoding. The HYPSO_PT shapefile data layer is comprised of 80449 derivative vector framework library features derived based on 1:1 000 000 data originally from VMap0, 5th Edition. The layer provides nominal analytical/mapping at 1:1 000 000. Data processing 75% complete globally, with African subset 100% complete. Acronyms and Abbreviations: VMap0 - Vector Map for Level 0.

  • Seamless and topologically robust derivative of VMap0 - Ed5 data layers. The PHYS_PY shapefile data layer is comprised of 7047 derivative vector framework library features derived based on 1:1 000 000 data originally from VMap0, 5th Edition. The layer provides nominal analytical/mapping at 1:1 000 000. Data processing complete globally, this is an African subset. Acronyms and Abbreviations: VMap0 - Vector Map for Level 0.

  • Seamless and topologically robust derivative of VMap0 -Ed5 polygonal Ocean/Sea data layers. The OCSEA_PY shapefile data layer is comprised of 25 derivative vector framework library features derived based on 1:1 000 000 data originally from VMap0, 5th Edition. The layer provides nominal analytical/mapping at 1:1 000 000. Data processing complete globally, this is an African subset. Acronyms and Abbreviations: VMap0 - Vector Map for Level 0.

  • Seamless and topologically robust derivative of all linear VMap0 - Ed3 bathymetric, coastline, and terrain contour data layers. The HYPSO_LN shapefile data layer is comprised of 108715 derivative vector framework library features derived based on 1:1 000 000 data originally from VMap0 | 5th Edition. The layer provides nominal analytical/mapping at 1:1 000 000. Data processing 75% complete globally, with African subset 100% complete. Acronyms and Abbreviations: VMap0 - Vector Map for Level 0.

  • Ad1-Polygonal representation of countries based on VMap0 and perhaps DCW. The AD1_PY shapefile data layer is comprised of 58 derivative polygon african national-subnational areas features derived based on 1:1 000 000 data originally from FAO. The layer provides nominal analytical/mapping at 1:1 000 000. Acronyms and Abbreviations: VMap0 - Vector Map for Level 0; DCW - Digital Chart of the World FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization in the United Nations.