
In a world with 8 billion people to feed amid growing concerns about land and water scarcity, land and water professionals need easy access to up-to-date information, models, approaches and technologies for sustainable food production. These datasets include infomtion on Hydrological basins of the world, major rivers, irrigation infrastructure, water productivity and accounting. These datasets are provided by:

  • AQUASTAT: : is a core database of country statistics, focused on water resources, water uses and agricultural water management.

  • AQUAMAPS: Regional and global geospatial datasets on water resources and agriculture water management, including:

    • River and water bodies: regional hydrographic networks derived from Hydrosheds

    • Irrigation and infrastructures: area equipped for irrigation, dams

    • Hydrological basins: global and regional layers of hydrological basins derived from Hydrosheds

    • Climate: Monthly grids of precipitation and reference evapotranspiration

  • Water Productivity Portal (WaPOR): A FAO portal to monitor water productivity and other key data about water and agriculture, using free satellite imagery. Visit the WaPOR Database

  • Water Accounting Portal: A FAO/ADB/IWMI/IHE-Delft portal to support Water Accounting in river basins and Water Productivity measurement in irrigation projects.

  • Crop Water Requirement Tool (CropWat-online): A tool to explore spatial weather data and use that data to run a crop-water-requirement model called CROPWAT. It gives information on meteorology, reference-evapotranspiration, soil-saturation and crop-water-requirements under different climatic conditions, different soil types and different crop related variables, such as the sowing and the harvesting date. The model uses input data from either CRU CL 2.0 or agERA5, which is a higher resolution version of ECMWF’s ERA5 reanalysis dataset, adapted for agricultural purposes and available between 1979 and today.