Primary designated management objective ...


Primary designated management objective 1990-2020 (1000 ha)

  • Production (1000 ha)

Forest where the management objective is production of wood, fibre, bio-energy and/or non wood forest products.

  • Protection of soil and water (1000 ha)

Forest where the management objective is protection of soil and water.

  • Conservation of biodiversity (1000 ha)

Forest where the management objective is conservation of biological diversity. Includes but is not limited to areas designated for biodiversity conservation within the protected areas.

  • Multiple use (1000 ha)

Forest where the management objective is a combination of several purposes and where none of them is significantly more important than the other.

  • Social Services (1000 ha)

Forest where the management objective is social services.

  • Other (1000 ha)

Forest where the management objective is other than production, protection, conservation, social services or multiple use.